Childhood is the most memorable and enjoyable in most people’s lives. It’s basically the first stage of life we enjoy. It is the most golden period of life where we can teach children everything. The emotions and things you did as a child ultimately become lifelong memories which will always bring a smile to our faces. Only adults know the true value of childhood because children have not experienced adulthood.
Let’s discuss the importance of childhood. When you are a child, you will feel that childhood has no importance and that you want to become an adult as soon as possible. However, only adults know the real importance of childhood. It is a time where a child’s morals as well as social character develops. One thing to keep note is that the mindset of children can be easily influenced at this point of time. So, we must keep an eye out for our children.
Now, we will move on to how we can create the best childhood memories for our children.
First, parents should learn how to say sorry. Some parents do not know how to acknowledge their mistakes. Even the best of us will not be able to control themselves and yell at their children, but when this happens instead of brushing it off, we should own up to it. By doing so, we can teach our children that it is okay for anyone to make mistakes, but it's how they learn from these mistakes and how you take responsibility for your actions.
Second, creating family traditions. What really differentiates our childhood from other people's are our personal family traditions. It need not be a monthly extravagant trip to the Maldives, but it can be as simple as just going to a relative’s house to celebrate every happy occasion. Most of us would say that the best memories in childhood are not about getting material items but instead sentimental value.
Third, be present in their lives as much as possible. The best childhood memories that you can give to your child is to simply be there for them. All the bonding and memories made, will be engraved in their minds. Although there are times when you may disagree with your child, we must be mindful of how we handle the situation. The arguments and heated moments are easy for children to remember. Some parents have the impression that the child is too young to understand why their parents are shouting at each other in the living room. But this situation could be the turning point where your child starts to avoid going to the living room because they remember the negative feelings they experienced.
As such, no parenting will be perfect. We must understand that some parts of your child you will not be able to understand. However, what we as parents should do to be the best parent they can is to learn to apologize, create sort of a family tradition to go around and to be around them as much as possible.
How to Give Your Kids the Best Childhood Memories. Brown, N. (2020, May 12). Retrieved from https://thriveglobal.com/stories/how-to-give-your-kids-the-best-childhood-memories/
How to Give Your Kids a Childhood They Don't Have to Heal From. (2020, February 12). Retrieved fromhttps://theeverymom.com/how-to-give-your-kids-a-childhood-they-dont-have-to-heal-from/